We want to tell you about our new friends Ben and Stacie.
Since graduating from college, Ben and Stacie were both been in full time
youth ministry through camping, Young Life, and the local church. Almost 3 years ago while on staff with Young Life in different towns, they were part of a 2-week study tour to Israel where they both fell in love with the land and cultural background of the Bible. This is also when they became good friends. Stacie was able to travel to Israel again 2 years ago, and came home certain she wanted to go study these things full time in Israel. Knowing Ben's love for the Text and his passion to learn in the same way, Stacie jokingly asked him if he wanted to move to Israel with her to study for two years. To her surprise he said yes! One year from that conversation, they both quit their jobs, sold everything they owned, and found themselves on a plane to Israel! They are studying at Jerusalem University College, pursing a masters degree in Biblical History and Geography. Somewhere in the midst of moving to the other side of the world, their friendship grew, and soon they were more than "just friends". Ben asked Stacie to marry him, and they continue to be amazed at all God has done! The last 8 months has been an exciting and crazy journey, and they never dreamed that marrying each other would be part of the trip!
We were honored to meet them and be part of their wedding. We know they will be friends for life and we know that God is going to use them in an incredible way. We pray that many will come and listen to all the God has done for us. (Tip: Click on the "come and listen" to see some images of Ben and Stacie).