So, while at WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) in Vegas I bumped into Tom Hauenstein, one of the platform speakers and our friend from Lexjet (One of our top-notch vendors). After a little small talk Tom asked me what I was doing Friday to which I answered "not much." I returned the question asking Tom what he was doing Friday and he stated lightly that he was GETTING MARRIED.....IN VEGAS?......YES VEGAS!!!
Do you have a photographer? No......
Do you want a photographer? Yes......
The rest is History. We met Tom's fiance, Sara, at a fabulous Salon in the MGM, and spent the rest of the day with them capturing their wedding day and their wedding ceremony at a cute little wedding chapel in Vegas. We got in trouble three times through the day photographing them where apparently we were not suppose to be photographing. Wee hoo. Vegas is awesome!!
Tom and Sara, First, thank you for asking us to be part of your wedding day. Second, Thank you for spending so much time with us. Third, thank you for the honor of letting us witness your wedding.
We were so honored and send our best regards to you both! Congratulations!!
Click HERE to see all of the images from their wedding day.